Sunday, April 16, 2017

Lorelai in Gilmore Girls

Image result for The gilmore girls with coffee

How can you not love the Gilmore Girls? This one is one of my favorites. Maybe because my girls and I would stay up for hours in the summer watching these classics. Guaranteed you would always hear, "Just one more" as the credits were rolling. How could you refuse?

Why did we love this show so much? The entire cast was funny and endearing, but what sparked my curiosity and brought me back for more was Lorelai Gilmore. Her character, to me, was spectacular. After getting pregnant at age 16 she escapes her parents clutches and heads to Stars Hallow. Starting out in a potting shed she eventually creates her own bed and breakfast,  while raising her daughter alone. I have learned through watching the development of Lorelai's character what a strong single mother can achieve when she believes in herself. She wanted her daughter to not be a self-indulged rich kid but yet wants her to have all the opportunities the world has to offer.  Lorelai also enjoyed dating but she didn't need a man to find true happiness. Combine that with her love of coffee and she is easily my favorite on the show.

Of course this show is not without flaws and it you do a quick Google search you will see more haters than lovers for this enchanting show. Call me obsessed but this art of chaos will always be alluring in my book.

I would give this a definitive pass in The Bechdel Test!

Gilmore Girls Trailer
Click to watch trailer

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